Press Release Templates

Press Release Tips: Great tips on how to approach writing your press release.

Get your stuff together. Don't sit down to write this release without knowing exactly what it is you want to convey to the audience. Recognize the who, what, when, where, and why of your story, and figure out the most important aspects of those details.

Get some quotes. If your press release would be better suited with quotes from relevant individuals, get them. This allows someone writing about the event or launch or whatever to automatically have a built-in quote for the article. It should also add personality to the release. Quotes can be ghostwritten, but should be sincere and cleared by the person being quoted.

Get brief. Yes, you'll want to include plenty of detail in this release. But don't get bogged down with the details. Remember that the idea is to get your message out there, and perhaps generate interest. There's nothing less interesting than reading ten pages about a product launch. And if the idea is to get someone to actually attend an event, it's best not to make him/her think he/she will be bored to death upon arrival.

Get some contacts. Look up local media outlets, or even national ones, depending on your circumstances. Contact them, and find out how best to send your release to them. The more the better, since the idea is generate a great deal of publicity. Consider the tone and methods common in your particular industry or community.

Get out there. Make sure to include as much contact information for yourself (or the company) as possible, so that anyone with any questions can get in touch any number of ways. Be available!

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